I’m trying to adapt a tsunami-style menu that I found the actionscript for, so that it has drop down submenus. After a bit of messing around I think I’m on the right track although I have an inkling that, structurally, it’s a bit of a mess. Anyway, it’s a bit buggy, but I’ve got to the point where I can roll over the main menu items (which were originally buttons, but which I converted to movieclips in the hope of making the submenu task easier) and the submenu drops down.
I’m going to try to explain how it’s set out, but I will inevitably make it impossible to fathom, so I’ve attached a stripped down fla for anyone who would care to take a look.
Each main menu item contains three frames. The first is the upstate, the second is the rollover state, and the third is the rollout state. The second frame loads a movieclip which animates the drop down and comes to rest at frame 12, where separate movieclips (functioning as submenu buttons) sit. I’ve tried about fifty different ways to give this mc/button a getURL rollover action, but it is just not happening for me.
At the moment I have this actionscript sitting directly on the movieclips:
on (rollOver) {trace ("rollover works");}
on (rollOver) {getURL ("url");}
I’ve also tried placing an event handler on the first frame of the submenu animation, in the actionscript of the main movie, everywhere you can think of.
Can someone help me out with this? I’m guessing it’s something to do with paths, as I’m still struggling with paths in general when it comes to Flash. But at this point I’m so frustrated that I would even welcome someone telling me that I have to restructure the entire thing and start again.
Oh, in the .fla, only the “news” menu item is enabled. It’s movieclip is named menuitem3. It’s saved in MX2004 but I’m working with Flash 8.