Can't make my playList loop

hi…i’m very new in flash and actionscripting and was made to create an audio player…

i have created an array of songs, consisting of 3 mp3s and wants it to be in a way tt when one song finishes, the next song plays…
the problem is, Song number 2 plays after Song number 1 but then Song number 3 didnt play at all…
i hope u guys can help me point out my mistake in the below actionscripts placed at frame 1 of the root timeline…

[AS]playList = [“one.mp3”, “two.mp3”, “three.mp3”];
currentSong = 0;
maxSongs = playList.length -1;
function startStreaming() {
mp3 = new Sound();
mp3.loadSound(playList[currentSong], true);

mp3.onSoundComplete = function() {
if(currentSong > maxSongs) {
currentSong = 0;}
mp3 = new Sound();
mp3.loadSound(playList[currentSong], true);
