Capitalization -> lowercase for posts

This happened to me twice today. The first time I thought I was halucinating, but then it happened again with the PSP $350 US post. When I posted that thread it converted the title to Psp $350 Us.

Since when did that start happening? Has it always been like that and I just missed it doing that to my posts? Not that I capitalize much, but its annoying for posts like the above :-/

Yeah - it’s always been that way. It was designed to stop all caps subjects that made it seem like people were screaming. I think there is a way to disable that, so I can do that if you want :slight_smile:

eh, its ok. If I only noticed it just now, its not a big deal. Im just shocked it took me this long :trout:

thanks though :slight_smile:

It happens to me sometimes too when posting only :D. Lemme test.


See ? It kinda destroys the smilies.


(fixed: I disabled the Prevent All Caps feature)


Woot !