Caption This

Got Milk?

is this guy serious?

Kung Pow!: Enter the Fist

As this security camera footage shows, your honor. My client was simply trying to get in touch with his inner cow.

cow: ooh…dinner

Are you talking to me… are YOU talking to ME!

Sooo, who is going to get milked first?..

:P:beam: :trout: :trout: :beam:

::Said like Steve Irwin, the Crock Hunter:: Crikey! Look at this critter! Isn’t she a beaut?

Phil: thats udder nonsense…

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**I just looked at that picture in a viewer and its naughty. That guys throcker is hanging out as well. eh em.

pj :stuck_out_tongue: **

eeeewww, blurr that out…:hangover:

Oooh, Mrs. Tough Cow eh… put your hooves up and let’s do this!


good one Tuknuk!

haha :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Cow: “Mine’s bigger… times… four.”

thanks alex :wink:

the human is wearing an udder (like it’s the back half of a pantamime cow), and that is not a cow he is looking at… it is a bull/steer…

just to clear things up…



i was saying “thanks”…cause i thought it was his penis. just to clear things up.

Confirmation that BSE can be transmitted to humans.

Make your Mooooooove!

hahaha moooooooooooooove

         - Some people got very desperate when the  "Beef is whats for dinner" commercials started playing back to back.-