Card game draw function

I am experimenting with a card game. In what I have been working on, I got a button to be able to be click and “draw” a card into the players hand. This is all done through the use of arrays and tracing. I have set it up in a class file called drawClass.

This, however, is where I am beginning to have trouble. I want it to take a random array value from the array called currentDeck and then place it in the players hand when the player clicks on the draw button. I am using a for loop to try and get a random array value and push it into the playerHand array.

for(i = 0; i < currentHand.length; i++)           
                if(currentDeck.length == 0) break;
                rand = Math.floor(currentDeck.length * Math.random());
                //show that the card has been picked up

I will put the entire class file within a pastebin website so that you may look at it.

In addition I have another question in regards to class files. I am relatively new to Actionscript 3. Making the change from Actionscript 2 to 3. It seems that most things should be done in classes and code should be kept out of the main flash file. However, it seems that you have to manually attach a singular class file to the main flash file, through the use of the properties tab in Flash CS5. Meaning it doesn’t seem like you can have multiple class files attached.

My question is, is there a way to have multiple class files and would that way be to just have them in the same file destination has the main flash file or can you actually only have one class file attached at any given time?

Thank you