I have a carousel that uses this code:
for(var i=1;i<(numOfItems + 1);i++)
var t = home.attachMovie("item","item"+i,i+1);
t.angle = i * ((Math.PI*2)/numOfItems);
t.icon.onPress = function (){
//pressed state
Here is the problem:
when you press on an icon i need to get the * to make a url name. say:
t.icon.onPress = function(){
getURL("http://www.webadress.com/" + *, "_self");
when ever i use something like this it will pull the last * value it was using and not the one related to the one you press…
any suggestions?
Stupid Saint
t.i = i;
getURL(“http://www.webadress.com/” + [this.i], “_self”);
Very simple, works a treat 
[quote=rumblesushi;2342631]t.i = i;
getURL(“http://www.webadress.com/” + [this.i], “_self”);
Very simple, works a treat :)[/quote]
well… i tried this before submitting the thread and it doesn’t work. i have however found the answer and that is to change a line of code to this…
var t = home.attachMovie("item",i,i+1);
this makes the name of the image the number (or in this case *)
then i used…
getURL("http://www.webadress.com/" + this._parent._name, "_self");
thanks for your help anyways
Stupid Saint:sen:
That’s weird saint, because what I said above is exactly what I do when assigning clicks in a loop, I’ve done it quite a lot, and it works perfectly for me 
Glad you figured it out anyway.
Oh, the only reason it may not have worked is the “t” and the “t.icon” issue.
If you assign the rollover to icon, then you’d have to put… “t.icon.i = i”
Otherwise on press, it looks for the var “i” in icon, when it’s actually in “t”.