Case study

hey i’ve been studying about yin and yang lately for my cultural studies in college. for you out there who don’t know what yin and yang is, it is actually a balance in nature where the sun represents Yang and the moon represents Yin. :asian:

So back to the main topic, my mom and grandma always complains that my room has a type of bodily or maybe manly odour and it is kinda true and all of the sudden the yin and the yang came into my mind. actually boys room stinks mostly because there is no girls sleeping in it. The yin ang yang actually says there must be a balance in the nature, so in conclusion boys room stinks mainly because girls are not sleeping in that room. get what i mean??

haha so boys take note! if your room stinks you should really get a girlfriend and maybe both of you should stay together!! haha tell me what you think about it! :asian: :chinaman:

LMAO. that is simultaneously both the cutest and most retarted thing i’ve ever heard.

*Originally posted by golgi *
**LMAO. that is simultaneously both the cutest and most retarted thing i’ve ever heard. **


Either that or throw your crusty undies in the wash…


lol this is what they mean by balance! well thats what i think. a boy and a girl thats balance. if a boys room stinks then obviously the rooms chi or air flow is not right and needs girl to balance up the air flow hahahahahahahahaha

Your room stinks? You still have old pizzas or dirty underwear in there or what? :wink:

lol, the whole yin yang stuff is nice, but i think it has more to do with the hygeine of guys… I don’t have guys in my room sleeping with me and my room smells fine. Nice try…

I don’t know whether that will work out, but anyway :slight_smile:

hahahahahahaha i don’t have dirty underwear or left over pizza crust in my room and i usually spend more time in my room than any part of the house, i use perfume and cologne for man and yet my grandma says there is still some typical man odour in the room especially on the pillo and blanket. anyway this is a case study and it’s not proven that girls should sleep in a boys room to balance the air flow hahahahaha

iunno about you, but if i caught grammy sniffing my sheets, i think i’d have to reconsider sending her to Sunny Oaks retirement home… :whistle:

the only validity i could see in this theory, is that if a girl is sleeping in a boys room that stinks, she will most likely clean it for him.

*Originally posted by liam *
**iunno about you, but if i caught grammy sniffing my sheets, i think i’d have to reconsider sending her to Sunny Oaks retirement home… :whistle: **

Yeah, that’s weird… who else is sniffing your sheets? :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by golgi *
**the only validity i could see in this theory, is that if a girl is sleeping in a boys room that stinks, she will most likely clean it for him. **
That’s true… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe i like ur idea, sounds good to me, i will continue to test this theory of urs and see how it go’s, purely for scienific reasons of course :bounce:

Ah, all in the name of science? Good one. :slight_smile:

Actually, taking this yin and yang principle further, if I say I have no money, does this mean I have to have a rich man to balance that out? :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol makes sense to me, u could try that one out while i investigate the other one more :).


Is that like Daz?

Daz? We have Dash over here too… but yes, something like that.

Hmmm, now I think about it, it looks more like Bold. :slight_smile: