I’ve been driving for 2-3 years now, and I have yet to get a speeding ticket, hit another car, or get in any kind of trouble. I ran a red-light on an empty street one time, and I started crying j/k!! Then again, my car serves to only take me from school to home to barnes and noble, or Comp-USA. I’m too much of a geek to go anywhere else haha! :cyclops:
I had to drive quite a distance to get to High School, so a car was a necessity. Then you need a job to support the car. Then, since you are working, you might as well have a nice car. Then since you have a nice car which is fun to drive, you spend a lot of time on the road (over 3k miles/mo). Then you get tired of driving, give away your cars, and let someone else drive everywhere.
dont say that all teenagers aren’t allowed to drive. there are actually some good teenage drivers, its just the other ones dont give a flying beep. :!: