Caution: Motorists and Pedestrians

<- Now has a learners permit.
Be scared, afraid and most of all, run. Cause I’m coming to get you. :cool:

where do you live so i can steer clear…

God I am old… I remember when that was exciting. Just barley though :frowning:

Congrats man - it’s very exciting to get your license.

on a serious note - use it wisley and dont do anything stupid - it could be my family you hit!

I have learned from experience, take three right turns intead of one left turn! It can change your whole life…lol

i am getting my permit this month!!! lol i have thought about getting a laptop with online in my car so i can work on my site at a red light.haha:beam::cool: :nerd:

Please tell me your joking…

nope im searous

lol j/k im not that addicted to computers:beam:

few…its a good idea though…i could figure out a way in the three years i have left…that is if this gay state dont change the law to 18…if FL still 14?

I live in Canada so I dont think you have anything to worry about. But there is always spring break. :chinaman:

You get a permit at 14 that would be cool. Learners at 15 and liceance at 16. But bar age is 19 so that is cool.


here we cant learn before 18, but at 18 we can drive and drink! not at the same time! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

sweet! lol. although i thikn that we have our laws for a reason in every country. but i would hate to wait for 18 to drive…

ok, time to come out…

i am 19.
i still have my learner’s permit.
i’ve had it since i was 16.
i’ll go shrivel in a corner now…

I didnt get my full licence till I was 19 either, so dont feel bad :slight_smile:

Once they put this graduated licencing thing in here - it all went to hell :slight_smile: Most of my friends had their licence so it wasnt a big deal for me to get mine right away. Now that I have it of course - I could not imagine life without it!

ooh God, i’d do anything for a Viper. even get my license!

I got my license when I turned 16, I have a speeding ticket, ticket for disturbing the peace, minor consumption in a parked car, and I totalled my truck. I am currently 17! :stuck_out_tongue:

Posted pics on my works site:

ouch dude! that sucks. but hey, at least you are ok (right?)

Phil: A girl just got killed in a car crash like 2 mi. down my road. It was so said. she had her lisense for like 2 weeks too…

I wrecked 7 cars by the time I was 19 (only 2 where another individual was involved)…

I was pulled over 21 times by the time I was 20 (only rec’d 4 tickets)…

Now I can’t stand to drive (gave away 2 cars, the last one twice)…


other than the red light runner the other day, I haven’t even had a parking ticket in years…

That being said, I have rented vehicles over the last couple years, and have been yelled at by the Police while driving (loud speaker “this is the police, please slow down”), and have been pulled over twice to check for DUI (I have been DUI, but never caught, 4 for 4).

I bought an MG when I was 17, then a 240Z when I was 19… Not the right cars for a crazy kid in the '80s … The women loved it tho… :hangover:


ouch! yeah my mom says she wont let me drive till i am 18. so i will have to wait OCUH! I JUST RAN OVER MY FOOT WITH MY CHAIR. OMGOSH THIS KILLS! well anyway she is also going to try to get a law passed so CT will be 18 all over…