CD Player Interface..need help and advice

Hello all-

Been a while since I posted and I totally forgot all my old info.

Anyway, this is my new project Im going to try and tackle with all your help of course.

My Plan-

To make this (picture above) my interface for a “jukebox” type deal.

The Requirements

  • It will need to function JUST LIKE a CD player…Play/pause/stop/track-up/track-down, EJECT and LOAD, Display Track Number and Track Time, Power ON/OFF, and even a rotating volume knob.

The Twist

  • Below the player will be a few images of what looks like album covers and this is what the user will choose to select an album to play.

  • As soon as the user selects an album, it will animate and mimic a CD coming out of the case and LOADED into the player.

  • When the user decides to select a different album while one is still playing or IN the CD Player, the user will HAVE to press (click) the “Eject” button which will then animate a CD UN-loading and placed in its respective album cover, then the album chosen will then be loaded into the player.

Sooo… do you think this is TOOOOO much to ask for a flash player to do? Will this project even be worth my time?


i reckon it can be done wivout too much problems… take a lot of time tho!


Thanks…Im sure it can be done with time and patience, but Im just starting flash again since the last time I used it was Flash 4.


It would be very cool!!..but yes very time consuming…check this our for all your audio needs!


Awesome link…thanks


no problem…it has just about everything you’ll need…outside of the animation aspects.


Yup…I’ll need to do MORE learning…


WOW…this is going to be A LOT more work than anticipated…I guess I better get crackin…
