<![CDATA[ with multiple nodes in XML


I am using an XML file that goes as follow:

   <item label="" details="" img="" />

I used the <![CDATA[ tags before with no issues, in order to insert special characters and symbols into the XML text, like so (from the Kirupa sample):

<text><![CDATA[Here is a bunch of text.
And here is a little more: <, >, &, " and ' with no problem.
Expecting a third line? Neither was I!]]></text>

How do I use the <![CDATA[ tags into a XML file set up with multiple nodes like mine?
I tried the following but none of them work:

<item label="<![CDATA[label 1 goes here]]" details="" img="" />

<item <![CDATA[label=“label 1 goes here”]] details="" img="" />

<![CDATA[<item label=“label 1 goes here” details="" img="" />]]
