Ceck site 70%

I’m making this site but I’ve stopped all works because I tink there is a problem.
On my PC when I test the swf files its all right,
when I make with flash the html files and I test it the site runs slow… I don’t know why…

so… I’ve posted it so you can tell me if the site runs slow you too or not…
Can you tell me why it runs slow in html and not in swf files?

this is the site… web.cheapnet.it/barzagus/

And… what do you tink about it?

Tanks 4 reply!

nice - but…too much animation!! I don’t likw how the navagation moves…but thats just my opinion…try to make the site simpler too

Beautifull! Even has an eyeZ in it :wink:

Sincerely , i like your art, but the problem is , it reallu IS slow. The difference you noticed between testing swf-only and html-embed is that in the html, the rendering of the swf is done by the Flash PLUG-IN, which has very low priority in the system ressources, whereas testing the swf alone works with the Flash PLAYER (on your PC), which is like any other software, allowed more ressources… meaning not much you can do, except optimize all your stuff for online use if that’s what you need…che sfortuna veramente!


Tanks 4 replyyyyyy!!!
so… I’ve to optimize all my swf for online users sig…
and… I’ve to make it much simple…

all right… I work for it and post the final site when finished.

eyezberg you know Italian! veryyyyyyyyyy wellllllll!

Not so well i’m afraid, lo parlo bene pero non lo scrivo quasi mai, alora penso che ci sarano tanti errori…a pena torno da una giornata a napitia/ calabria…tu di dove sei?

Ok folks, get your Babylon translators out :wink:

North Italy, near Milan…

!!! W INTER !!!

300 kb is a bit too much. Yes there is quite too much animation plus if you wish to change the mouse cursor, you should make it stand out more. That white triangle is hard to distinguish among the sea of animation and illustrations.

E molto pericoloso sporgersi la teste e la mani fuori della finestra.

How about that ?? :smiley:

Nice site by the way, a bit flashy but very nice.

pom 0]

Tanks POM!

E’ molto pericoloso sporgerE la testA e lE mani fuori del finestrINO. (Hey! only on the train…!) - now it is ok!

RenaissanceGirl -
Yes 300 kb is too much and I’m triing to make a smallest size but the music became awful if I try to compress it more… sig…