Center a PrintJob

I really thought this was going to be easy but I’ve been trying for two days and haven’t been able to figure this out. I need to print a MovieClip but I’d like to center it on the page. Has anyone done this in AS3?I’ve tried to define a rectangle object as the printArea and adding a page sized behind the content of the movieclip and nothing seems to work. With this code, I can get the MovieClip scaled to fit a page, and centered, but the width & height seem to clip off half of the MovieClip when its printed.

var ts:BitmapData = takeSnapshot();
var _screengrab:Bitmap = new Bitmap(ts, “auto”, true);
//good, now we need make sure it’s printable…
var _screenshot:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


_screenshot.x = -1*(_screenshot.width+1);
_screenshot.y = -1*(_screenshot.height+1);

//New Print Job
var _pj:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
//Set Up Options
var _options:PrintJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions(); 

_options.printAsBitmap = true; 

    	if (_pj.start())
				var _scaleRatio:Number = 1.0;
				var _scaleRatio2:Number = 1.0;
				var _originalSW:Number = _screenshot.width;
				var _originalSH:Number = _screenshot.height;
				if(_pj.orientation.toLowerCase() == "landscape"){
					_screenshot.rotation = 0;
					//we need to size this bitmap data to make sure it all fits on the page.
					if(_originalSW > _pj.pageWidth){
						_scaleRatio = _pj.pageWidth/_originalSW;
						_screenshot.scaleX = _scaleRatio;
						_screenshot.scaleY = _scaleRatio;
					if(_originalSH > _pj.pageHeight){
						_scaleRatio2 = _pj.pageHeight/_originalSH;
						if(_scaleRatio2 < _scaleRatio){
							_screenshot.scaleX = _scaleRatio2;
							_screenshot.scaleY = _scaleRatio2;
				} else {
					_screenshot.rotation = 90;
					if(_originalSH > _pj.pageWidth){
						_scaleRatio = _pj.pageWidth/_originalSH;
						_screenshot.scaleX = _scaleRatio;
						_screenshot.scaleY = _scaleRatio;
					if(_originalSW > _pj.pageHeight){
						_scaleRatio2 = _pj.pageHeight/_originalSW;
						if(_scaleRatio2 < _scaleRatio){
							_screenshot.scaleX = _scaleRatio2;
							_screenshot.scaleY = _scaleRatio2;
				trace("PRINT",_screenshot.x, _screenshot.y, _screenshot.width,_screenshot.height, _pj.orientation.toLowerCase(),_pj.pageWidth, _pj.pageHeight);
				var sx:Number =  - ((_pj.pageWidth-_screenshot.width)/2);
				var sy:Number =  - ((_pj.pageHeight-_screenshot.height)/2);
				var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(sx, sy, _pj.pageWidth, _pj.pageHeight);
				trace("BOUNDS: ",bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height, bounds.topLeft, bounds.bottomRight);
				_pj.addPage(_screenshot, bounds, _options);
            catch (error:Error)
                // Do nothing.
			catch (error:Error)
				// do nothing...
			//printjob cancelled by user