Center pop up on a mac problems!

Hi All,

Hope you can bear another question on the center pop up code but I’m having a bit of a nightmare! It works for me beautifully on my Mac/IE 5.2, ( as do various smart clips and components that I’ve found on MM site etc) but no matter what I’ve tried the pop ups dont work at all when viewed on pc’s once published on my system (MacOSX/FlashMX)…has anyone else experienced this and has any ideas what I can do to resolve it!!

Any help very much appreciated.


did you use the tutorial found on because if you did, it should work fine on PCs. Odd if it doesn’t :-\

Mind sharing your code to the rest of the class?

Yes I did the tutorial, and copied and pasted the code from it as instructed, also I tried the fla on that page and edited that and still it works on the Mac but no PC pop ups…

Code on frame:

Movieclip.prototype.openWinCentre = function(url, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable) {

getURL("javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin ='"+url+"','"+winName+"','"+"width="+w+",height="+h+",toolbar="+toolbar+",location="+location+",directories="+directories+",status="+status+",menubar="+menubar+",scrollbars="+scrollbars+",resizable="+resizable+",top='+((screen.height/2)-("+h/2+"))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-("+w/2+"))+'"+"')}else{myWin.focus();};void(0);");


Code on button:

on (release) {

// customize the window that gets opened

// 0 equals NO.

// 1 equals YES.

address = "blow1.html";

target_winName = "digital1";

width = 540;

height = 485;

toolbar = 0;

location = 0;

directories = 0;

status = 0;

menubar = 0;

scrollbars = 0;

resizable = 0;

// sends data back to the function

openWinCentre(address, target_winName, width, height, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable);


Since you seem to be a Mac oriented person, have you updated Internet Explorer on your PC machine? I’m pretty sure that that code would work on earlier versions of IE, but it’s always good to be up-to-date.

oh yeah, in my experience, pop-ups will almost never work within flash (unless you use the “_blank” param, but don’t). test your swf from within your browser and see if it works. :wink:

Check this out MJ let us know if its works :thumb: good luck

Well unfortunately I’m without a PC at all which makes things very tricky…so I have to find kind souls that check em for me on theirs…:slight_smile:

I’ve just put the movie that is causing the trouble online by the way if you want to see - I’ve popped the button on the girls face just to test it for now, please excuse it being very very (very) unfinished!!!

Thanks Grimdeath btw…will try that component…

it working wonders on my pc im using opera btw, macs alway seem to act up a bit i have one and i use to work with them they always seem to do things their way :sigh: but try out that component MJ and let us know if it works for ya

BTW awesome site i jsut wish you used swfs instead of the jpgs or gif images your using for the illustrations either that or disable the zoom in option when you export from flash, great job keep us posted :thumb:

Cheers for the kind words!!

Oh and its good to know its working on something!:wink:

I think it must be a Mac thing. I’m just gonna have to try building it again on a pc and see what happens there. Macromedia dont seem to be very mac friendly at the moment, for example despite having the flash 6 plugin the MM site consistantly detects that I dont and I cant use it as a result! Not a great start I think!!

Good point about disabling the zoom, will do.

yeah its not a macromedia thing its a mac thing :-\ and its jsut going to get worse from what i heard MS is not making anymore IE for macs which makes things even worse and safari isnt that great neither, its gonna ge ugly for us crossplatform website designers :frowning:

I know this isn’t the site check forum, but I thought I should point out that I was having some problems with the drop-down menus (they look cool, though!): I managed to get them all down at once, sometimes they do pop back up when I rollOut. Sometimes they also don’t come down very easily, and I have to wave the mouse around a bit. PC with IE 6. No pop-up windows either. But it’s a cool-looking site. I hope you get your cross-platform woes sorted out ok :slight_smile:

I am working on a site and am having the same problem. I followed the Kirupa Center pop up window tutorial. it works ok on my Mac but only 1/2 the winodws pop open on the PC’s here at work. What is going on?? The code is all the same for all the popup windows. The site is at:

The recipe’s link all seem to work but the science and nutrition, processing facility and map pop ups dont work on PC’s.
