Cfm & Java

Hi, i got a very strange problem here.

Our company creates virtual tours. We put the actual virtual tour on our server and send a HTMLtag to our customer who just needs to insert that into his HTML page and everything works :slight_smile:

Untill we end up with a customer using CFM pages.
We sent the tag like we do with all other customers, but the javascript adressing doesn’t seem to work? This is the tag we sent them.

<NOLAYER><IFRAME name="previsite" SRC="" 
width="510" height="600" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" hspace="0" 
vspace="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></IFRAME></NOLAYER>
<LAYER SRC="" ID="previsite" 
TOP="0" LEFT="0" width="510" height="600"></LAYER>

And this is the location where they tested the tag on THEIR server:
As you can see the links in the flash animation below the Virtual tour don’t work.

If we put up a CFM file on our server with the exact same code inside it works perfectly:
We don’t have CF installed on our server tho.

Does anybody know why this doesn’t seem to work on their CFM pages?