Change Background of Page From Flash

This may sound stupid, but does anyone know if is possible to change the background of an html page in which the flash movie resides via a script in the movie?

Yeah, I am krazy.



i remember an site with that option, but the link is down for about an year now…

i think the best way to do it is with javascript, flash itself cant do this, but CAN send commands to javascript

try google “change background javascript” or something simular…

here’s a good one:

Unfortunately, I do not know how to intigrate java with flash, YET.
But I will. And thanks so much for your help.

I will go to the most allustrious Google.

// how to call javascript function on an button
on (Release){
getURL("javascript : function(vars)")

easy as that

it seems that the AS tag replaces “javascript:” to “about”
fixed, added space between “javascript” and “:”