Change colour of loaded text

Can anybody help?

I’m using Flash MX to create a website. I have a scrollable text area that dynamically loads text from an external .txt file.

What is the quickest and easiest way to change the colour of the first paragraph to red and keep the rest of the copy black?

Thanks for your help.

Ive never used Flash 5 so I dont even know if this will work.

loadVarsText = new LoadVars();
myTextField.html = true;
loadVarsText.onLoad = function(success) {
	if (success) {
		myTextField.htmlText =;
	} else {
		trace("not loaded");

Then in the test.text

news=<font color='#ff0000'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit orci vel lectus. Morbi egestas rhoncus sem. Phasellus at tellus. Proin eleifend arcu ut ante. Aenean aliquet justo vitae urna. Quisque eget justo. Maecenas et ligula sit amet ligula adipiscing sollicitudin.</font>

  Quisque mattis, lacus non nonummy luctus, purus leo pulvinar lorem, id tincidunt risus neque eleifend dui. Nunc pede. Integer scelerisque, ante ut malesuada tincidunt, sem lectus ultrices arcu, sit amet ultricies elit purus eu mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Integer consequat tortor at leo. Praesent interdum felis ac justo. Nunc non wisi. Aenean massa purus, faucibus eget, nonummy a, ornare non, augue. Sed enim felis, dictum quis, porta id, molestie eu, felis. Fusce augue justo, rhoncus nec, sagittis ut, porttitor a, elit. Donec quis odio. Etiam arcu arcu, adipiscing vitae, cursus ut, faucibus sit amet, mi. In commodo orci vitae dui.

You, my friend, are a genius!

Thanks for your help.



Guess what… further help required if poss!?

I now need to add a link to a .jpg into the .txt file and also activate an email link, again from within the .txt.

Again, any help much appreciated.
