Change image depending on the clock hour

hello! i´m from argentina and i am needing to do something a saw last year on kirupa, but i really can´t find it now :frowning:

i remember i saw a tutorial that explained how to create a flash (menu,top, etc) that changed as the time/hour of the clock changes…

A hope i am being clear in my explanation :S

for example waht i need to do:

I want the top image (swf) of my web to change as the time of the days pass, for example in the morning the image will show the beach with the sun, but if I enter de web at nicght the image will be the same beach but at night and with the lights of the city…
Of course I have already made this images (morning, mid-day, afternoon, night) but want to know… HOW TO MAKE THAT TRANSITION AUTOMATICALLY FROM THE HOUR OF THE CLOCK…(i remember it was something like that, I REALLY NEED THAT TOTORIAL PLS! ^^

hope you can help me, and sorry for the bad english :blush:
