Change Stage and/or browser height dynamically

hi, folks,

I have this website. There are 3 pages with different heights. I am loading external swf in a main movie to save loading time.
But i ran into a issue. One page has the height of 1900px and the other 2 have 650px (give-or-take), in other words, 3 times the size of the first one.

I read in Flash/ActionScript specs that we cannot set the height of the stage thru AS or alike. So i had to set the main stage height based on the bigger which gives me a massive scroll bar on the other ones.

Does anyone know how to solve this? I heard you could do it with JavaScript, but how? Any tutorials, comments, light, insight? Anything?

thanks for your time and help,


yo, man…
thanks a lot for the reply…
but, i checked out this code, and it’s A.S. 2.0 and, for my bad luck, i’m one of those guys that don’t understand A.S2. I started my codign life in as.3… i knda understand, but since it’s based on a huge class (as file) i don’t know how to re-write to as3…

but again, thankx a lot!

Look up ExternalInterface in Flash’s help it has an example on how to communicate with js. Then all you have to do is change the width and height properties in the embed tag.