Changes: Need Input?

I like your ideas, Time2design, even though I don’t think that HTML is really the subject. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a dick at HTML too, and I would certainly need some lessons.
pom 0]

Thanks, and good point about the html, pom.

Thinking about that, I think you’re right; probably is off topic of the site. However, what I’d really like to see is html help that ties into Flash only. Or, actually, any web-programming language that ties into Flash. That would be great!

I’d really go for something like that and I think most Flash designers from a design background (rather than a programming background) would really like this.

You do have a good point there time2! I’m studying like heck for my SAT (standardized exam) which will be in a few weeks; after that I should have enough time to incorporate all those changes. I think some of the tutorials could use better navigation between sections, etc!


i can help out with the actionscript workshop, maybe we can set up little “classes” to teach this foreign language. maybe a chat client will help with this?

Hey thor!
That will really help, but I find that the chat room is mostly empty lol. Instead of using a chat room, maybe we can provide our AIM names and when any of us comes on, we can maybe provide some help?

What I was thinking was like an index like set of pages with some snippets of ActionScript, an example, and description. Kinda like what Moock did on his book :wink:

Just an idea :slight_smile:

Real quick (and I’m sure you’ve thought of this before), how’s about a chat room with hosted events?

I know this seems cheesy at first but I can’t help to think that it would be nice to chat to you or the mods for a quick half-hour or one-hour session on various topics.



yeah, that’s what i suggested two posts ago, but it seems the chat rooms are open. now if we were to sort of advertise when a certain of us will be on, then we’ll hold sessions.

you could just do chat rooms thru AIM. just a suggestion…:slight_smile:

hello every one and once more kirupa u r doing a fantastic job i really love this site and i was never so deeply involved in flash before but after i visited ur site and posted some queries and i jus culdnt belive the reply i got and from that day onwards i was getting flash addicted.
Now i totally agree with pom when he said that we shuld have some tutorials on how to create a flash site coz itz really very important for us to know the very basics of createing a site abd where do we put the menus and buttons and things like that.
So i think that very soon u shuld be up with something like that.
And Once Again Great Job.

Thanks ebu! I’m glad you found my site a great source of interest in learning Flash. I will definitely create a tutorial on that topic!


Hey Kirupa, I made something about the attachMovie function. A few images missing here and there, but it’s there. Wanna see it ?…orial.html
I took the presentation from Jubba, that’s why you get that Angelfire crap…
pom 0]

Hey Pom,
The tutorial is really nice! I will upload the animations you sent me shortly to my site; I don’t mind the file size of the animations. It’s good enough to justify the wait people will have to go through :slight_smile:


KIRUPA! i posted in the ACTIONSCRIPT i have my clock tutorial done, and the url is posted in the actionscript forum too.…orial.html

and Pom…thanks for stealing my source, but thats ok, I stole the basic layout and source from Thoriphes’ Random Letter Cycling tutorial. :slight_smile:

Thoriphes, who took it from…
pom 0]

lol yeah…thats how it goes…the same code gets used 18,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 times.

WHAT?>!>!>!>! that is purely 100% homemade source code, there frenchy. that’s my effect. i own that junx. i am its daddy. when you see something like that on the internet somewhere, it came from me (i get a lot of emails asking me if they could use it for their site, hm…sound like an idea there, jubba?). well i can’t rant about it, it was open source as well, but should anyone ever ask who created such a thing…twas i, thoriphes.

ok, so maybe i’m getting a lil too far with this…hey, i’m bored. just promise me this: don’t go around saying you made it up. that’s the least anyone could do for me to keep the codes coming.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ROFLMAO
Don’t worry, Tho, I was talking about the HTML source, not the Flash source… Don’t tell me that you made up that HTML by yourself !
pom 0]

i posted twice cuz i’m a moron

Yeah, we weren’t talking about the flash, we was talking about the HTML. Thats the source that i stole, and i took it from Kirupa, just so that I could make my page in the right format so that it would be easier for Kirupa to put on his site. I realize that the Flash was yours and bravo cuz its amazing…

oh, my apologies. i definitely didn’t do the HTML (and i’m not sure exactly what you’re talking about). kirupa creates his own html with whatever i give him.