Hey Pom,
The tutorial is really nice! I will upload the animations you sent me shortly to my site; I don’t mind the file size of the animations. It’s good enough to justify the wait people will have to go through
Hey Pom,
The tutorial is really nice! I will upload the animations you sent me shortly to my site; I don’t mind the file size of the animations. It’s good enough to justify the wait people will have to go through
KIRUPA! i posted in the ACTIONSCRIPT i have my clock tutorial done, and the url is posted in the actionscript forum too.
and Pom…thanks for stealing my source, but thats ok, I stole the basic layout and source from Thoriphes’ Random Letter Cycling tutorial.
Thoriphes, who took it from…
pom 0]
lol yeah…thats how it goes…the same code gets used 18,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 times.
WHAT?>!>!>!>! that is purely 100% homemade source code, there frenchy. that’s my effect. i own that junx. i am its daddy. when you see something like that on the internet somewhere, it came from me (i get a lot of emails asking me if they could use it for their site, hm…sound like an idea there, jubba?). well i can’t rant about it, it was open source as well, but should anyone ever ask who created such a thing…twas i, thoriphes.
ok, so maybe i’m getting a lil too far with this…hey, i’m bored. just promise me this: don’t go around saying you made it up. that’s the least anyone could do for me to keep the codes coming.
Don’t worry, Tho, I was talking about the HTML source, not the Flash source… Don’t tell me that you made up that HTML by yourself !
pom 0]
i posted twice cuz i’m a moron
Yeah, we weren’t talking about the flash, we was talking about the HTML. Thats the source that i stole, and i took it from Kirupa, just so that I could make my page in the right format so that it would be easier for Kirupa to put on his site. I realize that the Flash was yours and bravo cuz its amazing…
oh, my apologies. i definitely didn’t do the HTML (and i’m not sure exactly what you’re talking about). kirupa creates his own html with whatever i give him.
wut we were talking about::
I made a tutorial for the analog clock. But i didn’t exactly know how Kirupa’s page was set up, so I took a look at the source using Notepad and then just made my tutorial from the setup on your page. Then Pom (theif) took it from me. He just copy and pasted my code.
I guess I’ll have to write ‘code by Thoriphes, tutorial by Jubba, and idea by Pom’?
You could also try to make a tutorial on how to make a tutorial for Jubba, and a tutorial on how to make the HTML of a tutorial for me
pom 0]
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