Changing Dynamic loaded text

Hi Guys, this is my question,

I’d tried to modify the content loaded to a dynamic text box using buttons to make loadText.load(“datosI.txt”);loadText.load(“datosII.txt”); but it keeps loading the same info to the texts boxes no matter what button i press.

Heres the code, should i change the trigger that sets the functions?

loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
contenido.text = this.contenido;
titulo.text = this.titulo;
subtitulo.text = this.subtitulo;
puntos.text = this.puntos;
loadPartIText = new loadVars();
loadPartIText.onLoad = function() {
contenido.text = this.contenido;
titulo.text = this.titulo;
subtitulo.text = this.subtitulo;
puntos.text = this.puntos;

Ltorre.:alien: :alien: