Changing image direction in easing

Hey Everyone,

I’m currently having problems finding anything thats helps me change the direction an image is facing depending on mouse moment. I’ve found stuff on rotation, but I want my image to flip so its facing the other way.

Any help would be apprieciated :smiley:


assuming that your image is inside a movieclip…
movieclip._xscale *= -1; // this will change the direction

as for mouse detection…

movieclip._xscale *= -1;
else if(_root._xmouse<Stage.width/2)
movieclip._xscale *= -1;
// do nothing if mouse is in center

[quote=Natushi12;2325461]Hey Everyone,

I’m currently having problems finding anything thats helps me change the direction an image is facing depending on mouse moment. I’ve found stuff on rotation, but I want my image to flip so its facing the other way.

Any help would be apprieciated :smiley:


[quote=sparkdemon;2325468]assuming that your image is inside a movieclip…
movieclip._xscale *= -1; // this will change the direction

as for mouse detection…

movieclip._xscale *= -1;
else if(_root._xmouse<Stage.width/2)
movieclip._xscale *= -1;
// do nothing if mouse is in center

What parts exactly am I applying this to?

“movieclip” will be the MovieClip actually holding your image.
and the code should be placed where your movie clip is.

[quote=sparkdemon;2325486]“movieclip” will be the MovieClip actually holding your image.
and the code should be placed where your movie clip is.[/quote]

I have it sort of working, though my movie clip is twitching a lot (quickly changing from one direction to another) as I move the mouse around and sometimes doesnt face the wrong way. Any ideas on why thats happening?

NB: I did add a onMouseMove = function(){ at the beginning