I have several instances of a movieclip which I placed on stage dynamically out of the library. Inside these movieclips I have a textfield. Is there a way that I can change the text of each instance independently?
var backing1:mcBacking = new mcBacking ;
backing1.x = 94;
backing1.y = 200;
backing1.name = "backing1";
backing1.filters = [shadower];
this.backing1.txtText.text = "This worky?";
var backing2:mcBacking = new mcBacking ;
backing2.x = 210;
backing2.y = 200;
backing2.name = "backing2";
backing2.filters = [shadower];
var backing3:mcBacking = new mcBacking ;
backing3.x = 326;
backing3.y = 200;
backing3.filters = [shadower];