I have this text field and I cant seem to find out how to change the color and font and size of the text.
_global.textBoxCellWidth = 0;
_global.counter = 0;
var myVars = new LoadVars();
myVars.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
for (var yack in this) {
_global.counter -= 1;
for (i=0; i<_global.counter; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
var j = "";
} else {
var j = i-1;
** _root.createTextField("textField"+i, i, 0, 200, 0, 0, 0);**
** _root["textField"+i].text = this["name"+i];**
** trace("Name: "+this["name"+i]);**
** _root["textField"+i].border = false;**
** _root["textField"+i].multiline = true;**
** _root["textField"+i]._height = _root["textField"+i].textHeight+5;**
** _root["textField"+i]._x = 200;**
** _root["textField"+i]._y = (_root["textField"+j]._y)+(_root["textField"+j]._height);**
if (_global.textBoxCellWidth<_root["textField"+i].textWidth) {
_global.textBoxCellWidth = _root["textField"+i].textWidth+5;
for (m=0; m<=i; m++) {
_root["textField"+m]._width = _global.textBoxCellWidth;
} else {
trace(" Error loading variables ");
myVars.load("<A href="http://goatlan.dynamized.com/mysqltest/mysql.php");">http://goatlan.dynamized.com/mysqltest/mysql.php");
does anyone know how I could do this?