Changing the color of an _mc using actionscript

how would I alter this AS to make the mc change color, the advanced portion of the color setting looks like this, R = (100% x R) + 163, when I get the mc to the right shade… heres the AS

on(rollOver, dragOver){
    fade = "out";
on(rollOut, dragOut){
    fade = "in";
on(release) {      
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
         if (_level10._alpha > 0) {
             _level10._alpha -= fade_speed;    
         } else { 
             delete this.onEnterFrame;
             _level10._alpha = 0;
     if(fade == "in"){
        this._alpha += 30;//or however fast you want it to fade...
        if(this._alpha >= 100){
            delete fade;
     if(fade == "out"){
         this._alpha -=30;
          if(this._alpha <= 70){
           delete fade;

any help would be great, thanks.