Changing the colour of an MC

Yeah dude, I am confused.

I create a tween and stuff in my own file, and it works fine, but when I create a tween in your and try and change the alpha, it comes up as a mixed symbol so I can’t change the alpha or anything.

It makes no sense, I didn’t even use any graphics.

I also tried every way I could to change this RGB through AS, still a no go.

It really makes no sense.

Originally posted by lostinbeta *
** but when I create a tween in your and try and change the alpha, it comes up as a mixed symbol so I can’t change the alpha or anything.

figures its something i did … LOL … screw it … individual graphics it is … had too many challenges lately

No, it wasn’t something you did, this was when I tried recreating the tween from scratch in your movie clip.

That is why I am confused… because its not something you did, whenever I create a tween Flash it making it a mixed symbol and I don’t know why.

mmm … did you create a new mc/graphic? i know sometimes if say i have a graphic tweening … and at the end of the tween on that keyframe i convert it to a mc … the beginning frame will still be graphic… does that make sense … it’s late … L

Yep, I drew a whole new rectangle from scratch and everything.

did you make it an mc before you starting playing with the tweens?

Nope. I did my usual, it works fine for me when I start a new document, but it doesn’t work that way when I do it in your document.

mmm … i hate that … it probably right in front of us …

lol, probably, but I can’t figure it out :-\

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**lol, probably, but I can’t figure it out :-\ **

me neither … :*( but i did what i said and pulled off the same effect … i don’t know why i just didn’t do that in the first place … serves me right for trying to be all fancy … :slight_smile:

LOL ::rolls eyes::
