Changing variable values inside of an Array

I am rather new to action script so please forgive me for ignorance. I do not know if this is common knowledge or not, but I could not find anything on the subject after searching through the last few pages on Arrays.

I am trying to create a dialogue system for a game that references lines of dialogue to be displayed from an array.

var myArray:Array = new Array(“My name is David.”,“I am a noob at actionscript.”);

This all works fine, but what I really want to do is have the name “David” be a variable so that the user can change. The issue is that the array seems to convert any string variables into their string value so when they are referenced they only appear as the initial value of the variable.

var myName:String = “Empty”;
var myArray:Array = new Array(“My name is “+myName+”.”,“I am a noob at actionscript.”);
//user does something to change the variable myName
myName = “Jones”;

Output: My name is Empty.,I am a noob at actionscript.

When what I want is for it to say: My name is Jones.,I am a noob at actionscript.

What would be the easiest way to accomplish this? I’m sorry if I wasn’t very clear. The idea is to create something similar to this:
but with variable names inside of the array.