Changing whether or not a button is clickable

here’s my movie
i’m working on some ideas for a site redisign and i have the content popping up in a lil window when a button is clicked

but while that lil window is open i don’t want the buttons on the main movie to be clickable b/c the window opens over some of them and the lil handcursor comes up. is there a way to make the buttons not clickable while the window is open?

run the movie and click one of the circles. then while the window is open click one of the circles that’s behind the window and you’ll see what i mean

If you want to disable a specific button:

myButton.enabled = false;

And If you want to disable 'em all:

Button.prototype.enabled = false

Just add true if you want to enable them.

can i put the button’s names in an array so i don’t have to write that line for every button i want disabled, but just add an object to the array?

thank you very much for your help

Yeah why not!

Just made this small function:

buttons = ["button1", "button2", "button3"];
_buttonFunction = function (DoUseHandCursor, ButtonArray, buttonAct) {
	for (i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
		ButtonArray*.enabled = buttonAct;
		Button.prototype.useHandCursor = DoUseHandCursor;
_buttonFunction(false/*Disables hand cursor*/, buttons/* well use the array 'buttons' as the button target to get enabled or disabled*/, false/*If you want to enable your buttons, specify 'true' instead*/);