Character Drawing of Me

THIS IS NOT A $$$ PROJECT. I am offering services in return

I’m looking for one of you talented graphics artist to basically draw myself only in character form. You will have your name and a link to your site under the drawing. I am not in anyway going to take credit for the character.

If you or your company is interested, I am offering work in return. I offer services in PHP/ASP, Flash, Javascript, etc…

** I am not offering full website’s or anything of that nature in return**

Basically I will put in the time it took you to create the character, even more if it’s good :slight_smile:

If you are that good, and only want $$$ then show me some of your work and we’ll take things from there.

I’d like to have this completed or at least started this week. You can reply here or contact me anyother way. Alll my info is in my profile.

Digital :slight_smile:

I do character art and animation…ill take a shot. What kind of time frame you looking at?..I think I have you on IM…hit me up.

hmm I don’t know which one is you on my buddy list :lol:

drop me a line when you get a chance

aim: digitalosophy


I am into character design as well. I would be willing to trade off for some lite coding. Let me know