Character limit

ive got a dynamic text box… var name c…
and i got some maths in the as that then send the answer to the dynamic text box c…but i oftenget the chacaters getting cut off…
is there a wat to limit how many number are displayed useing as without rounding to whole numbers…i need to set a sertai amout of decimal places…thx…

it’s not that hard… :wink:

// prototype
Number.prototype.limitDecimals = function(decimals) {
	var str, tmp = this.toString(), dIndex = tmp.lastIndexOf(".")+1, index;
	for (index=0; index<dIndex+decimals; index++) str += tmp.charAt(index);
	return str;
// usage
// example
myNumber = 7.7777;
trace(myNumber.limitDecimals(2)); // output: 7.77


forget about that… as usual, i like the hard way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Number.prototype.limitDecimals = function(decimals) {
	this = this.toString().substr(0, this.toString().lastIndexOf(".")+1+decimals);
	return Number(this);

that’s much better. =)

theres also

Number.prototype.limitDecimals = function(depth) {
	var factor = Math.pow(10,depth);
	return Math.round(this*factor)/factor;

which rounds to that decimal and not just chops :slight_smile:

interesting… why i didn’t think about that!? :stuck_out_tongue:

wait!! i know the answer… i’m a rookie. :-\ :stuck_out_tongue: