Hi there, I’m new to flash MX. Needed anybody who has any experience in building a multiple chat client using flash MX to help with some function syntax. cld pay.
Hi there, I’m new to flash MX. Needed anybody who has any experience in building a multiple chat client using flash MX to help with some function syntax. cld pay.
Here’s a link to one:
Thank you Electron geek.
That’s similar to what we want to do. only that i’ve got an impossible deadline nothing new there. Being new to MX i’m slow with getting the exact sytax etc. Any help will be appreciated.
Basically for every user you click in the userlist a new chat window is created, by duplicating the movie clip. The problem is, i have a textfield,where the chat content is shown and i have attached a scrollbar to it. The scroll bar is not working when i duplicate the movie clip in runtime.
And another thing the client wants is to blink the windowTop(like in msn) when a new message arrives.
Thanks and Regards
Hey ElectronGeek,
Have you tried out any of the chat rooms on that site yourself?
I would like to just add a little something here… That site erks me with its constant reloading even when its not active.
Never tried it, may at some time (working on a flash site now that has these exact forums in it, would be interesting to make a flash interface to these… anyways…) but I would think that using the setInterval command to do a database query to see if any new message was posted then reloading it would be better than a coanstant reloading for no reason.
*Originally posted by skidpanda *
**Hey ElectronGeek,
Have you tried out any of the chat rooms on that site yourself?
:elderly: **
Nope, I’ve never tried it out myself, I got that link by doing a search on Google. =) There was a really good chat client link posted awhile back in the tutorial section, but it’s no longer here.
Scrolling problems in a flash MX chat client… i have a textfield,where the chat content is shown and i have attached a scrollbar to it. The scroll bar is not working when i duplicate the movie clip in runtime.
Any Ideas what could be wrong? Need urgent help.
Geez… Flash Chat Rooms have been coming to be incredibly popular I see… Interesting :sure:
I wonder if a tutorial on creating one while I create one would be useful
Then again I can’t even get 15 voxels to show up correctly… GAH!
A tutorial would be great!! I have a mysql data base and php etc on my hosting and would love to learn to do something like that on my site.
It would be a good task for that K-team threads ive been reading.
Cheers :elderly:
cough… Crap… I don’t use mySQL…
Nevermind on tutorials… I use my own databse so that wouldn’t be helpful would it? hehe
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