
I’ll like to know where i can learn how to build my own live chatrooms. Also,
is it easier to have them in flash than html? Are there any examples?
Thank you


I think you would need to use XML along with Flash in order to do what you want. It wouldn’t be easy.

hope this can help you…

Zymotik Flash Chat Room

Good Luck… :goatee:

i had a HTML one that you could just paste into your HTML page… it had no ads or anything like that…

im not sure how good it is though…

il see if i can dig up the code for it.

It would be alot nicer if it comes with names of people logged in, as well the ability to private chat with another person. If I can choose the face, itll be even better. Thanks

C:-) C:-)

i think the chat i had, you can do all that…

as i said im not sure and i havent found the code yet but when i do il be sure to post it…

and the code…

<applet archive="" codebase="" code="ConferenceRoom.class" width="500" height="350" name="QuickChat">
<param name="cabbase" value="">
<param name="channel" value="#KIRUPA">
<param name="simple" value="true">
<param name="bg" value="FFFFFF">
<param name="fg" value="000000">
<param name="font" value="helvetica">
<param name="size" value="12">
<param name="tickershadow" value="false">
<param name="ticker" value="enter something">
<param name="ticker2" value="enter something">
<param name="colorpanel" value="true">
<param name="roomsWidth" value="0">
<param name="nick" value=" ">
<param name="user" value="quickchat">
<param name="port" value="7000">
<param name="showwindowbuttons" value="false">
<param name="info" value=" ">
<param name="showticker" value="true">

trying it out. thank you.