Check all tweens have stopped

Hi guys,

Is there a simple way to check all tweens are complete? The tweens kicked off in the code below work great, but I have another sequence that needs to kick off only when all tweens are done.

Alternatively, is there are smart way to time things to execute only after X number of seconds without having to attach code to the root onEnterFrame?

for (var i=0; i <= 15; i++) {
        identID = "ident" + i;
        var tempgrid = grid_mc.attachMovie("ident_proto", identID, grid_mc.getNextHighestDepth());

        tempgrid.title_txt.text = bbName*;
        if (gridCol > 3) {
            gridCol = 0;
        // add grid layout x/y to the an array
        bbGridX* = gridCol * (tempgrid._width + 10);
        bbGridY* = gridRow * (tempgrid._height + 10);
        tempgrid._x = bbGridX*;
        tempgrid._y = bbGridY*;
        var rndX:Number = 0 - Math.round(Math.random() * Stage.width);
        var rndY:Number = 0 - Math.round(Math.random() * Stage.height);
        var rndScale:Number = Math.round(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
        var xTween:Tween = new Tween(tempgrid, "_x", Strong.easeOut, rndX, bbGridX*, rndScale, true);
        var yTween:Tween = new Tween(tempgrid, "_y", Strong.easeOut, rndY, bbGridY*, rndScale, true);
