Check wallpaper plz ;)

hi all,

was kinda bored yesterday and i thought: wallpaper time!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

this is what i came up with

let me know what u all think of it :wink: (feel free to use it if you like :))
sorry for bad quality, had to stay below 74kb

Not bad. Not something I would use, but looks niceโ€ฆ :smiley:

lol :slight_smile:
thx, a bit too abstract for me too, but just looked kinda cool :slight_smile:

iโ€™m more like a tyra banks kinda guy myself :stuck_out_tongue:
sheโ€™s been keeping my desktop lively for quite some months now :wink:

Nice :slight_smile: Which software did you use?

thx :slight_smile:

just good old ps 7, bit of clouds, bit of radial blur, bit of gaussian blur, bit of twists, mix them al into one and you get the perfect cocktail :D:D