CheckBox and PHP in Flash

I am trying to work out a Checkbox in a FLASH/PHP mail form.
I can get it to work so it will send a “1” or “0” in the mail. But I would like to have it saying “Yes” or “No” instead of “1” or “0”… Anyone that knows how it can be done?

This is the code that I use in the Flash file on the “submit” button… (cb_broschyr is the instance name of the CheckBox…).

on (release) {
cb = cb_broschyr.selected == true | false() .data ;;
trace(name_txt + " " + message_txt + " " + cb + " " + telephone_txt + " " + email_txt);
if (name_txt == undefined || message_txt == undefined || telephone_txt == undefined || email_txt == undefined) {
} else {
loadVariablesNum("form.php", 0, "POST");
on (release) {
name_txt = "";
message_txt ="";
telephone_txt = "";

When I receive a e-mail with this setup it can look like this:

Contact Form

This message has been sent from your Contact Form

name: test
message: test
telephone: 070-test
email: test(a)
broschyr: 1

Thankful for help!

Best regards