Checkboxes? Shopping Carts?

How do you use checkboxes to make a shopping cart without using a program like Pay Pal or some other shopping cart type thing.

huh? you just check what you want, and you go to checkout. Haven’t looked much into it.

*Originally posted by sdrawkcaB *
**How do you use checkboxes to make a shopping cart without using a program like Pay Pal or some other shopping cart type thing. **

that is a shopping cart, pretty much you need a database. each item will have a unique ID and a value for the price of each item. what happens is when the user selects and item, a server side code will retrieve the price, and send send vars to a checkout page. a common server side language that can be used is php with a mySQL database, or ASP with a MS Access database. not too hard if you know what your doing, but it’s definalty not easy. you could also make an html page an assign values to your item(checkboxes). then send the info to a serverside script tat will just add the items prices, and send a request by email or something, but that is not the correct way to do it.

Hmm… I don’t know anything besides HTML, so the easiest way would be the best. How about checkboxes by items, when they checkout, it emails me the price and their information and stuff?

that’s going to be a pain to update, why not do a search for free shopping carts

If you only know HTML, i would suggest going with paypal. Once you learn how to use database, then you can make one your self. I will try to search for some good links for you=)

…I’ve emailed a site with shopping carts, so I’ll just go with that…