Checking the state of another movieclip?


I have a series of movieclips placed on the stage, that I have all given the same base class.

When a movieclip is clicked, they scale up to 100%, and when clicked again, they scale back to their initial scale.

What I would like, is to make it so that if another movieclip has already been scaled up previously, that movieclip will scale back down to it’s original size, before the other movieclip that has just been clicked on, scales up. This is the basic code I currently have for all my movieclips:

private function fullImage(event:MouseEvent):void
            parentX = MovieClip(parent).x;
            parentY = MovieClip(parent).y;
            if(down) {
            Tweener.addTween(, {_scale:1, rotation:0, x:stage.stageWidth/2-parentX, y:stage.stageHeight/2-parentY, time:0.5, transition:"easeOutCubic"});
            down = false;
            else {
            Tweener.addTween(, {_scale:originalScale, rotation:originalRotation, x:originalX, y:originalY, time:0.5, transition:"easeOutCubic"});
            down = true;

Any ideas? I’m having a brain-freeze! Cheers!