I have 6 buttons up the right side of my movie. I also have 6 movies sitting on the main stage - all named Page1, Page2, ect.
What I would like to do is when you click on say Page3, ask it to see if the movies for pages 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 are on a certain frame, and if so - tell them to play another frame in their respective timeline.
My reason for this is to show a transition. Like page1 comes in nice, then if i click page4 I would like page1’s exit transition to play and then page4 to start playing.
Do you guys know what I could do here? Do you have any idea as to what I am talking about ? Thanks in advance!
well the thing is - I thought it was figured out but I was wrong.
When ever I try and make a button check and see if a movie is on a certain frame and if it is, go to a play another frame it works - but it works everytime. Even if the movie is not on the frame it suspposed to - it still goes to that one and plays. I will post my code here and someone please tell me what I am doing wrong!!
on (release) {
if (bundle_currentframe = 30) {
on (release) {
if (page1_currentframe = 1) {
if (page2_currentframe = 50) {
Page1, Page2 and Bundle are all seperate movie clips that I am trying to find the postion of and make them play if they need to.
Well I never tried to do the transition that way. I use variables instead. But if your not locked on the idea of controlling the movie with the currenframe comand you could try this.
For example on the page 1 button
on (release) {
navigation = “page1”;
And then have navigation change value to page2 for that button on so on.
In the end of the page1 part of the timeline have
[AS]if ( navigation == “page1”) {
gotoAndPlay (“page1”);
else if ( navigation ==“page2”) {
gotoAndPlay (“page2”);
I´m definately not on expert on AS and this code is not tested so I´m not sure it will work but it should in teory anyway, but I alway have trouble with the nextFrame (); comand but that is replacable with the gotoAndPlay (framenumber); instead.