Cheesey 3D

I needed to create planets for a fly-by kinda thing for a client, and this is what I have created with my meager 3D skills…

and Yes, I know they are spinning real fast… these are just the models… I still have to animate them along their “orbits” , and then place them on Sen’s starfield thingy he graciously provided a while back…

anyway, I’m fairly proud of these… especially since they won’t be on the screen for that long, and will be moving all the time anyway…

anyone care to take a guess at which planetoidy thing is supposed to be what? “They all look like alike… all blue and planetoidy.”

[SIZE=1]sorry, couldn’t resist the Red Dwarf quote opp[/SIZE]

go ahead… fire away…

click here

:trout: :thumb:


umm what program did you use rev??? plasma?


I’m by far more basic than that…

it’s a prog called Cool 3D by Ulead…


They’re pretty cool Rev!! The looping of the animation is a bit dodgy but if they’re moving by you won’t notice :slight_smile:


  • Soul :s:

thanks soul…

that is the general idea…

this still has to be small enough to go on the web… right now, the largest of the movies is only 50k, and that is the moon, since we are going to do a “fly-by” before we stop on the moon…


click here

here is an update if you want to see the planets move…

I still haven’t done the transitions, and the secondary stars are just place holders for now…



you’re right, I can’t see the dodgy rotation, looks awesome revv! :thumb:

thanks Eilsoe…

I’m still contemplating the horizontal stars bit…

The static stars will be done with a lens flare/tween…

Then I have to figure out how to treat the Earth…

This may take a bottle of beer to figure out…



or more :sure:

I have to model a car in max… I get a headache right after the profile :stuck_out_tongue: so confusing :crazy:

oooh! Eilsoe sounds fun! i am going to do one eventually.

Rev that looks real nice man.

my pos computer won’t run Max…

I have it… I just can’t use it…

so I stay to the Kindergarten portion of the library…



Thanks Mike.

I love doing 3D, I just don’t have the patience right now… Plus, I am concentrating on learning more AS (I hate coding, but I need it to do certain gigs…)

