Chirho redesign

ok…its been aaages since i submitted my site to show n crits…i think i’ve been through two flash versions since i last posted…i’m concentrating on 100% valid XHTML+CSS right now (falling in love with the combo)…technically it has some issues …so right now i just want to know wot u think on the design side…i’ve tried my hardest to make it pixel perfect in both IE and FF so unfortunately its probly not as pretty as it culd be…

i started again from scratch this evening, and this is my result:

let me know what you think…if you can help with my technical issues then please tell me! they’re driving me mad!

My technical issues are:
[] in FF, images on my blog page have padding: 1px; and then a 1px border…in IE the padding dissapears…dont know why[/LIST][LIST]
] i want a 10-20px gap between my footer and the final entry on my blog page…i cant get it (tried margins and padding)…i culd do it by "id"ing that specific pages footer and doing a relative positioning[/LIST][LIST]
[*] i’ve gone through about a dozen tutorials, but i can never get my php contact form to work…if sumone could help with that then id luv u for ever![/LIST] I think thats it

Thnx guys!