Hey everyone,
This is my first time here on the forums, heya! Anyway… onto the problem.
I’m loading xml data (text) into a dynamic text box and I’d like to be able to automatically slice the text up to fit in the box and generate the other pages on the fly with quick page number links. Have a look at a static example here - http://iamrick.com/reddragon2.html
The text needs to be chopped up into characters limits of 622 per page, but really it would be better if the page limit was restricted by 16 lines. That way if there is a paragraph break it won’t get screwed up. But I’m not sure if thats even possible :puzzled:
You can check out the xml file it’ll be using here - http://iamrick.com/data.xml(Database > content > about > any one of those items). And while we’re at it, I’d just make sure that the structure of that XML file is right… this is my first go at dynamic flash =)
Thanks in advance,
[size=1]P.S - which way would you recommend hooking up the XML File, manually or with the XML connector component?[/size]