please check the attchmnt.
With this i want to get just a circle drawing effect.
First draw outer circle, then draw second inner circle and last third inner circle.
thats all
Please give me some solutions
please check the attchmnt.
With this i want to get just a circle drawing effect.
First draw outer circle, then draw second inner circle and last third inner circle.
thats all
Please give me some solutions
Check out this super cool prototype written by our very own Senocular
thanks for you link. its an excellent stuff.
But Sorry, i am not that much programmer guy.
may be i posted in a not proper place.
can you give me any more simple thing.
or if you dont mind an FLA .
I would be greatful …
just copy/paste this on the first frame
MovieClip.prototype.drawCircle = function(xpos, ypos, radius, lWidth, lColor) {
x = xpos;
y = ypos;
r = radius;
u = r0.4086;
v = r0.7071;
this.lineStyle(lwidth, lColor, 100);
this.moveTo(x-r, y);
this.curveTo(x-r, y-u, x-v, y-v);
this.curveTo(x-u, y-r, x, y-r);
this.curveTo(x+u, y-r, x+v, y-v);
this.curveTo(x+r, y-u, x+r, y);
this.curveTo(x+r, y+u, x+v, y+v);
this.curveTo(x+u, y+r, x, y+r);
this.curveTo(x-u, y+r, x-v, y+v);
this.curveTo(x-r, y+u, x-r, y);
for (i=1; i<4; i++) {
createEmptyMovieClip(“paper”+i, i);
paper1.drawcircle(300, 200, 40, 1, 0x0000);
paper2.drawcircle(300, 200, 60, 1, 0x0000);
paper3.drawcircle(300, 200, 80, 1, 0x0000);
I copy/pasted in the first frame…
but nothing to see… in stage
Have I to change any parameters ?
MovieClip.prototype.drawCircle = function(xpos, ypos, radius, lWidth, lColor) {
x = xpos;
y = ypos;
r = radius;
u = r0.4086;
v = r0.7071;
this.lineStyle(lwidth, lColor, 100);
this.moveTo(x-r, y);
this.curveTo(x-r, y-u, x-v, y-v);
this.curveTo(x-u, y-r, x, y-r);
this.curveTo(x+u, y-r, x+v, y-v);
this.curveTo(x+r, y-u, x+r, y);
this.curveTo(x+r, y+u, x+v, y+v);
this.curveTo(x+u, y+r, x, y+r);
this.curveTo(x-u, y+r, x-v, y+v);
this.curveTo(x-r, y+u, x-r, y);
for (i=1; i<4; i++) {
createEmptyMovieClip(“paper”+i, i);
paper1.drawcircle(300, 200, 40, 1, 0x0000);
paper2.drawcircle(300, 200, 60, 1, 0x0000);
paper3.drawcircle(300, 200, 80, 1, 0x0000);[/QUOTE]
no, it works as it is.2 different ways here.
Small typos I guess, watch the capitals;)
in paper1.drawcircle(etc) should be a capital C (and 0x000000)
in this.lineStyle(lwidth, lColor, 100), capital W.
In the second dynamic function i have drawn them the wrong way round small to large, just change to
myfunction = function () {
_root[“paper”+k].drawcircle(80+L, 100, 200, 10);
L -= 20;
if you want to use the first just put in a setInterval so that outer is first etc
if you use the code from the link originally posted, you could use this script to make it work:
// ActionScript:
createEmptyMovieClip("circles", 1); // create clip to draw in
circles._x = circles._y = 150; // position it
myPath = new Path(); // create Path
myPath.moveTo(-50,0).circleTo(50,0).circleTo(-50,0); // inner circle
myPath.moveTo(-70,0).circleTo(70,0).circleTo(-70,0); // middle circle
myPath.moveTo(-90,0).circleTo(90,0).circleTo(-90,0); // outer circle
circles.percent = 0; // set percentage of drawing complete
circles.speed = 0.01; // speed of percentage increase
circles.onEnterFrame = function(){
this.percent += this.speed; // increase percent
if (this.percent > 1) this.percent = 1; // dont let go beyond 100% (percent == 1)
this.clear(); // refresh drawing of this movie clip
this.lineStyle(1,0,100); // reset the linestyle
myPath.drawUpTo(this, this.percent); // draw the path in this movieclip up to percent
if (this.percent == 1) delete this.onEnterFrame; // if 100%, remove onEnterFrame
Thanks for you all guys.
Esp. for senocular…your code works fine.
best regards
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