Class LayoutConstraint (senocular)

anyone can help me with this?

to center a movieClip to center of stage using the layoutConstraint class i did the following:

[AS]var stageLayout:Layout = new Layout(stage);
var layout:Layout;

layout = new Layout(my_mc, true);

layout.verticalCenter = 0;
layout.horizontalCenter = 0;


this works ok if my_mc is static… but if i try to move or scale contents of my_mc it will go wrong.

i’ve some animation going inside my_mc, adding childs and make them move, just need my_mc to be in the same location (based on the reference point)

can some one give me light?!

hey pensamente!
i can see you after all this you haven’t learn a thing with this classes! still mad at you no?!

…really kirupa friends, you could help this guy. :stuck_out_tongue:
maybe could merge threads since the last i made was in the same issue :s