Class solution required

ok im just starting to use prototypes in my AS programming…
so naturally, ive started using a custom class.
i read some of senoculars great (and very in-depth) tutorial on OOP in AS1 programming… and (if not in there, somewhere else) it said that there were problems with creating custom classes because they had to be defined on the frame prior to the creation of the movieclip or something…

so i thought i would create a dummy frame before my mc and in this dummy frame have a gotoAndStop(2) after my code defining my custom class… but this didnt work…

the thing is, i know my class code is ok because if i preview it twice, the first time the custom class actions return undefined but the second time they return theyr appropriate values (because the class was defined before the second creation of the mc)

i tried using initclip but this seemed to prevent me from returning proper values, ie. i have a getPerc proto function which returns an integer between 0 and 100. if i have the custom class without the #initclip and preview it at least twice i get the correct values, but if i incorporate the #initclip i only ever get 0 returned… but i get it on the first preview as well…

so i was wondering what your solutions/work-arounds were… [size=1](and if i could steal it! :wink: lol)[/size]
