Classes and functions

I’m trying to learn AS3 and up till now every thing has been fine.
When I write my code directly on the frame it works fine, but when I try and break it down into classes and functions on seperate .as files, I can’t seem to get it to work.

package { 
 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 public class unlockcheck extends MovieClip {         
  public var totalchars:Array = new Array();        
  public var unlockedchars:Array = new Array();
  public var char1:Object = new Object();
  char1.unlocked = true;
  public var char2:Object = new Object();
  char2.unlocked = true;
  public var char3 = new Object();
  char3.unlocked = false;
  public function unlockcheck() {                 
   for (var u:Number=0; u<totalchars.length;u++){ 
    if (totalchars[u]["unlocked"] == true){


I get error 1120: access of undefined property for various lines when i run this. Now i’m not sure if theres a way that I’m supposed to be defining my Object properties that I’m not doing or what. Any help would be appreciated.