I have a large creation in process that requires a lot of heavy animations and movement with vectors and really processor intensive. Just want to know, regardless of whether the project is huge or small, how to totally stop a class from working?
I have three classes I am calling. “class1 = new Class1();” etc.
When I am in the level, say, class2, I can still talk to objects in class1 even though I removed the class listeners within that class1 after I was done using it. It still is able to be called upon, and still running something in the background that I can’t figure out what it is. I just want to know, rather than searching for whatever is causing the problem, can’t I simply null the class that I never ever need to use again?
I tried that, but then I ran a trace and it still tells me that it is a class object. I reckon its because I have a “public var class1:Class1” etc, which means they will always have those objects associated with them, but still. I want to totally get rid of it for garbage collection, and because I don’t want to use some of them at all, ever again.
So basically, what is the best way to get rid of classes so that they aren’t hogging up resources any more? :cyclops:
Thanks to whoever is so helpful!!