Did you think of a way I could do that thing I asked yesterday?
Can i ask wat exatly are u trying to acommplish?
lol yeah, I’m trying to put coding into the timeline frame to where when I hit the arrow keys, a movie clip moves
also I have a question after you possibly answer that
You have to put the code into the movie clip timeline
lol, i know, whats the code
What u want to acomplish?
lol ahhh, how do I make a movie clip move with the arrow keys, but with coding put into a frame on the timeline
Check if this helps
yes but I want the coding in the frame in the timeline, not on the object
because I wanna do a hittest thing…see, I have a movie clip of a person. when I hit the arrow keys, he does his thing. But i wanna do a hittest to where if he runs into and object inside a movie clip, he stops: he stays centered the whole time while the background moves.see. i have two movie clips on the main timeline. 2 layers, one in each layer. one frame is the person, the other is the back ground. all the stuff that i want hit tested is in the background movie clip…
Can i see the fla?
here’s a link to it: http://www.geocities.com/scarce_reality
To use hitTest u gonna have to use 2 movie clips. But u want to hitTest an object inside the bg. Dats impossible. U gotta run a hitTest with another movie clip.
I have no experience on developing games, but is dat the best way of doin it (moving the background)?
yes, best way in this case cause were making a parady pokémon. go to http://www.newgrounds.com then in the search type in stick rpg…thats what I’m trying to achieve
In this case ull have to set the objects of the background as movie clips and run a hitTest with ur person object.
ok, but when I tried to put the coding to move the movieclips on more then one movie clip, it didn’t work
I can get the bg to move but the person mc would run out of the stage