there HAS got to be a better way to write this out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This script will be duplicated
in different MC’s containing a different number of "varCheck"s
and different true/false values to check against.
[AS]btnSubmit.onRelease = function() {
if (this._parent.varCheck0 && !this._parent.varCheck1 && this._parent.varCheck2 && !this._parent.varCheck3 && this._parent.varCheck4 && this._parent.varCheck5 && !this._parent.varCheck6 && this._parent.varCheck7) {
strHeadline = “Great Job!”;
strFeedback = “You got them all right! Let’s go on to the next one”;
} else {
strHeadline = “Sorry”;
strFeedback = “You got one wrong, let’s try this again”;