Hi all, this is my first post here, i searched a little on the forum but i did not menage in finding the answer to my problem:
im using flash cs5 actionscript 3.0,
now im tryng to build a website, i worked on the timeline, and for any “page” (section of the timiline) i made a fadein and fadeout effect by using a mask layer on the contents layer. In the middle of any page i placed a “stop”. At the moment i’ve 4 buttons for page.
Now the problem is:
At the stop point (the page is shown), how can i make buttons first go to the fade out sequence of the page im on and the go to a certain frame?
For example,
in sequence on the timeline i have those pages:
page1 fadein, stop, page1 fadeout, page2 fadein, stop, page2 fadeout, page3 fadein, stop, page3 fadeout.
Haw can i make, for example, button1 on page1stop first go to page1 fadeout, play it, and the at the end of page1 fadeout jump, for example to page3 fadein?
I hope i menaged in making myself understood. Sorry.
If you can explain me step by step because of i’m a true noob.
Please help if you can.